Happy Greenery Bouquets
Happy Greenery Bouquets
The Happy Mix Greenery Bouquet, a delightful blend of lemon leaves, gunni eucalyptus, and Israeli ruscus. This vibrant arrangement infuses any space with natural elegance, making it ideal for event venue decor, restaurant tables, or wedding receptions.
Designed for convenience and effortless beauty, simply cut the stems and drop them into your favorite vases for an instant decorative touch. The lemon leaves add a bright, refreshing green, while the aromatic gunni eucalyptus brings a soothing fragrance and soft texture. Israeli ruscus provides a structured, lush element, completing the bouquet with a refined finish.
Perfect for creating a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere, the Happy Mix Greenery Bouquet enhances any setting with its fresh, vibrant appeal. Enjoy the simple yet sophisticated charm of this easy-to-arrange bouquet, making every occasion feel special and inviting.
Each bouquet contains:
8 Salal Tips/ Lemmon Leaf
3 Gunni Eucalyptus
4 Israeli Ruscus
Total of 10 bouquets